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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Types of computer ,classification of Computer

Types of computers:
Based on the operating principles, computers can be classified into one of the following types.
1. Analog computers
2. Digital computers
3. Hybrid computers
Analog computers

Analog computers operate by measuring rather than by counting. The name, which is derived from the Greek word analog, denotes that the computer functions by establishing similarities between two quantities that are usually expressed as voltages or currents. Analog computers are powerful tools to solve differential equations.
2. Digital computers

Digital computers operate essentially by counting. All quantities are expressed as discrete digits or numbers. Digital computers are useful for evaluating arithmetic expressions and manipulations of data ( such as preparation of bills, ledgers, solution of simultaneous equation, etc.,

3. Hybrid computers

Computers which combine features of both analog and digital types are called hybrid computers.

Types of digital computers: ( Classification of computers)

Computers are also available in different sizes and with different capabilities. They are categorized as

1. Micro Computers:
2. Mini Computers
3. Mainframes
4. Super Computers

1.Micro Computers:

The micro computer is the smallest general-purpose processing system. Micro computers are self-contained units and usually designed for use by one person at a time. Since microcomputers can be easily linked to large computers, they form a very important segment of the integrated information system.

2.Mini Computers:

A mini computer is a medium-sized computer that is more costly and powerful than a micro computer. An important distinction between a micro and a minicomputer is that a mini computer is usually designed to serve multiple users simultaneously. A system that supports multiple users is called multiterminal, time-sharing system. Mini computers are the popular data processing systems.

3. Mainframe Computers:
Computers with large storage capacities and very high speed of processing (compared to micro or minicomputers) are known as mainframe computers. They support a large number of terminals for use by a variety of users simultaneously. They are also used as the central host computer in distributed data processing systems.
4.Super Computers:

These are extremely large storage capacities and computing speeds which are atleast 10 times faster than other computers. While the speed of traditional computers is measured in terms of millions of instructions per second(mips), a super computer is rated in terms of millions of operations per second(mops); an operation is made up of numerous instructions. Typically, the super computer is used for large scale numerical problems in scientific and engineering disciplines. These include applications in electronics, petroleum engineering, weather forecasting, structural analysis, chemistry, medicine and physics.

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