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Monday, November 6, 2017



1. What are the advantages of using a real DBMS?

a) Use of standard file formats
b) Indexed file access
c) Data integrity safeguards
d) Multi-user access control.

2. Expand the following?
Blob : Binary Large Object
SDK : Software Development Kit
API : Application Programming Interface
ODBC : Open Database Connectivity.

3.What is process and thread?

A Process is running program that owns its own memory, file handles and other system resources. The separate execution path that an individual process can contain are called as threads.

4. What are the two kinds of thread?

a) Work threads
b) User interface threads

5.Define ODBC.
The Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard defines the rules of SQL grammer and also C language programming interface to any SQL database.

6. What are the methods of Binary interface method?

- QueryInterface() for navigating between interfaces of the same object instance.
- AddRef() for incrementing reference counts.
- Release() for decrementing reference counts.

7.Write short notes on Threading Model?

If an application allows multiple clients to concurrently invoke methods of the same COM object , some synchronization mechanisms needs to be provided to protect the data. Apartment is a logical grouping of objects that share the same concurrency constraints. Every COM process can have atmost one multithread apartment but it can contain multiple Single Thread Apartments ( STA).

8.What is MTS?

MTS standsfor Microsoft Transaction Server which provides another style of server programming . MTS provider server objects must be implemented in the form of DLLs that are to be hosted by MTS surrogate process. MTS provides context objects for these server objects so that they can participate in transaction.

9. What is RFX and where it is used?

RFX is an acronym for Record Field Exchange . The MFC framework can move data back and forth between the database and the member variables of your CrecordSet by using record field exchange which works very much like the Dialog Data Exchange mechanism used by the dialog and controls.

10 . What are the use of CrecordSet::dynamic ?

This type uses a dynamic cursor which allows scrolling both the directions. This type of recordset allows only forward scrolling .This type willnot reflect any changes made to the database.

11 . What are the steps used to create sample database?

1. Start MS Acess
2. Create a new Table
3. Populate the table.

12 . Write the general syntax to create a table ?

CREATE TABLE table_name(colname1 datatype…….colnmae_n datatype);

13. How to use Single Row Function?

For Functions such as CrecordSet::GetFieldValue() which work on a single row then we can set the current row within rowset. This is done with the SetCursorPosition()
Function in CrecordSet.

14. What is Data Transfer and its two structure?

Transferring data between applications are accomplished through the one data object interface which provides a mechanism for transferring data and also fo notifications of changes in the data.

15. List the MFCWinInet classes?


16. List the advantages of WinInet over Winsock?

- Caching
- Security
- Web proxy access
- Buffered I / O
- Easy API
- Uaer friendly

17. Define ISAPI Server extensions

An ISAPI Server extension is a program that runs in response to a GET or POST request from a client program . The browser can pass parameters to the programs , which are often values that the browser user types into edit controls , selects from list boxes and so forth. It typically sends back HTML code based on those parametr values.

18. List MFC ISAPI Server Extension classes

1. CHttpServer
2. CHttpServerContext
3. CHtmlStream

19. Define Winsock.

WinSock is the lowest level Windows API for TCP/IP programming.Part of the code is located in Wsock32.dll and part is inside the windows kernel.

20. List the components of OLE DB architecture.

- Enumerators
- Data source objects
- Sessions
- Transaction objects
- Commands
- Rowsets
- Errors

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