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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Software Engineering Question and Answer

1. What is software engineering?
Software engineering is a discipline in which theories, methods and tools are applied to develop professional software.
2. What is Software ?
Software is nothing but a collection of computer programs that are related documents that are indented to provide desired features,functionalities and better performance.
3. What are the characteristics of the software?
- Software is engineered,not manufactured.
- Software does not wear out.
- Most software is custom built rather than being assembled from components.
4. What are the various categories of software?
- System software
- Application software
- Engineering/Scientific software
- Embedded software
- Web Applications
- Artificial Intelligence software
5. What are the challenges in software?
- Copying with legacy systems.
- Heterogeneity challenge
- Delivery times challenge
6. Define software process.
Software process is defined as the structured set of activities that are required to develop the software system.
7. What are the fundamental activities of a software process?
- Specification
- Design and implementation
- Validation
- Evolution
8. What are the umbrella activities of a software process?
- Software project tracking and control.
- Risk management.
- Software Quality Assurance.
- Formal Technical Reviews.
- Software Configuration Management.
- Work product preparation and production.
- Reusability management.
- Measurement.
9. What are the merits of incremental model?

1. The incremental model can be adopted when tere are less number of people involved in the project.
2. Technical risks can be managed with each increment.
3. For a very small time span,at least core product can be delivered to the customer.
10. List the task regions in the Spiral model.
Customer communication – In this region it is suggested to establish customer communication.
Planning – All planning activities are carried out in order to
define resources timeline and other project related activities.
             Risk analysis – The tasks required to calculate technical and
management risks.
Engineering – In this the task region,tasks required to build one or more representations of applications are carried out.
Construct and release – All the necessary tasks required to construct,test,install the applications are conducted.
Customer evaluation – Customer’s feedback is obtained and based on the customer evaluation required tasks are performed and implemented at installation stage.

Software Engineering Question and Answer

1. What is software engineering?
Software engineering is a discipline in which theories, methods and tools are applied to develop professional software.
2. What is Software ?
Software is nothing but a collection of computer programs that are related documents that are indented to provide desired features,functionalities and better performance.
3. What are the characteristics of the software?
- Software is engineered,not manufactured.
- Software does not wear out.
- Most software is custom built rather than being assembled from components.
4. What are the various categories of software?
- System software
- Application software
- Engineering/Scientific software
- Embedded software
- Web Applications
- Artificial Intelligence software
5. What are the challenges in software?
- Copying with legacy systems.
- Heterogeneity challenge
- Delivery times challenge
6. Define software process.
Software process is defined as the structured set of activities that are required to develop the software system.
7. What are the fundamental activities of a software process?
- Specification
- Design and implementation
- Validation
- Evolution
8. What are the umbrella activities of a software process?
- Software project tracking and control.
- Risk management.
- Software Quality Assurance.
- Formal Technical Reviews.
- Software Configuration Management.
- Work product preparation and production.
- Reusability management.
- Measurement.
9. What are the merits of incremental model?

1. The incremental model can be adopted when tere are less number of people involved in the project.
2. Technical risks can be managed with each increment.
3. For a very small time span,at least core product can be delivered to the customer.
10. List the task regions in the Spiral model.
Customer communication – In this region it is suggested to establish customer communication.
Planning – All planning activities are carried out in order to
define resources timeline and other project related activities.
             Risk analysis – The tasks required to calculate technical and
management risks.
Engineering – In this the task region,tasks required to build one or more representations of applications are carried out.
Construct and release – All the necessary tasks required to construct,test,install the applications are conducted.
Customer evaluation – Customer’s feedback is obtained and based on the customer evaluation required tasks are performed and implemented at installation stage.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



1. What are the advantages of using a real DBMS?

a) Use of standard file formats
b) Indexed file access
c) Data integrity safeguards
d) Multi-user access control.

2. Expand the following?
Blob : Binary Large Object
SDK : Software Development Kit
API : Application Programming Interface
ODBC : Open Database Connectivity.

3.What is process and thread?

A Process is running program that owns its own memory, file handles and other system resources. The separate execution path that an individual process can contain are called as threads.

4. What are the two kinds of thread?

a) Work threads
b) User interface threads

5.Define ODBC.
The Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard defines the rules of SQL grammer and also C language programming interface to any SQL database.

6. What are the methods of Binary interface method?

- QueryInterface() for navigating between interfaces of the same object instance.
- AddRef() for incrementing reference counts.
- Release() for decrementing reference counts.

7.Write short notes on Threading Model?

If an application allows multiple clients to concurrently invoke methods of the same COM object , some synchronization mechanisms needs to be provided to protect the data. Apartment is a logical grouping of objects that share the same concurrency constraints. Every COM process can have atmost one multithread apartment but it can contain multiple Single Thread Apartments ( STA).

8.What is MTS?

MTS standsfor Microsoft Transaction Server which provides another style of server programming . MTS provider server objects must be implemented in the form of DLLs that are to be hosted by MTS surrogate process. MTS provides context objects for these server objects so that they can participate in transaction.

9. What is RFX and where it is used?

RFX is an acronym for Record Field Exchange . The MFC framework can move data back and forth between the database and the member variables of your CrecordSet by using record field exchange which works very much like the Dialog Data Exchange mechanism used by the dialog and controls.

10 . What are the use of CrecordSet::dynamic ?

This type uses a dynamic cursor which allows scrolling both the directions. This type of recordset allows only forward scrolling .This type willnot reflect any changes made to the database.

11 . What are the steps used to create sample database?

1. Start MS Acess
2. Create a new Table
3. Populate the table.

12 . Write the general syntax to create a table ?

CREATE TABLE table_name(colname1 datatype…….colnmae_n datatype);

13. How to use Single Row Function?

For Functions such as CrecordSet::GetFieldValue() which work on a single row then we can set the current row within rowset. This is done with the SetCursorPosition()
Function in CrecordSet.

14. What is Data Transfer and its two structure?

Transferring data between applications are accomplished through the one data object interface which provides a mechanism for transferring data and also fo notifications of changes in the data.

15. List the MFCWinInet classes?


16. List the advantages of WinInet over Winsock?

- Caching
- Security
- Web proxy access
- Buffered I / O
- Easy API
- Uaer friendly

17. Define ISAPI Server extensions

An ISAPI Server extension is a program that runs in response to a GET or POST request from a client program . The browser can pass parameters to the programs , which are often values that the browser user types into edit controls , selects from list boxes and so forth. It typically sends back HTML code based on those parametr values.

18. List MFC ISAPI Server Extension classes

1. CHttpServer
2. CHttpServerContext
3. CHtmlStream

19. Define Winsock.

WinSock is the lowest level Windows API for TCP/IP programming.Part of the code is located in Wsock32.dll and part is inside the windows kernel.

20. List the components of OLE DB architecture.

- Enumerators
- Data source objects
- Sessions
- Transaction objects
- Commands
- Rowsets
- Errors

Activex and Object Linking and Embedding(OLE)

Activex and Object Linking and Embedding(OLE)

1.What are the features supported by COM?

COM provides a unigfied expandable object oriented communications protocol for windows.
- A standard language independent way for a win32 client EXE to laod and call a win 32 DLL.
- A general purpose way for one EXE to control another EXE on the same computer.
- A replacement for the VBX control called an activex control.

2. What is the use of Iunknown interface?
Iunknown is a special interface to obtain the interface pointer declayed by COM.

3. What is class factory?
A class object is sometimes called as a class factory because it often implements a special COM interface named IclassFactory.

4.What is the use of CLSIDFromProgID?

COM supports other types of registration database entry that manufactures a human-readable program ID into the corresponding Class ID. The COM function USI form program ID reads the database and performs the manipulation.

5. What do the INTERFACE _PART macro do?
The INTERFACE_PART macro generate the nested classes, adding x to the first parameters to form the class name and adding m-x to form the embedded object name.

6.What is the purpose of the DECLARE_INTERFACE_MAP macro?
The DECLARE_INTERFACE_MAP macro generalizes the declarations for a table that holds the Ids of the class’s entire interface.

7.List out the four states that an embedded object can assume?

1. Passive
2. Loaded
3. Running
4. Active

8. What are the special features of the Container?

1. It handles multiple documents.
2. Maintains a temporal stprage.
3. Allows embedded objects to be copied and cut to the clipboard and pasted
4. Allows an embedded object to be deleted

9.Define COM.

The Component Object Model (COM) specifies architecture , a binary standard and a supporting infrastructure for building component based applications .

10. What is DCOM?

Distributed Component Object Model ( DCOM ) is the distributed extension of COM. It specifies the additional infrastructure that is required to further extend the benefits to networked environments.

11. What are the main features of COM?
The main features of COM are
- Seperation of interfaces and implementations.
- Support for objects with multiple interfaces
- Language neutrality
- Runtime binary software reuse
- Location transparency

12. Write short notes on Versioning?
COM’s approach to versioning is based on the following three requirements:

Any interface must be unmutable
A new oimplementation of same CLSID must support existing interface.
Any client must start interfacing with a server by querying an interface with an IID.

13. Define OLE?

OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding . OLE is at the core of window applications . It is also a very complex technology that could be different to master without the help of MFC.

14. What are the applications of OLE?
- Compound documents
- OLE Controls
- OLE Automation
- OLE Drag and Drop
- Specialized MAPI

15. What is marshaling?
In a remote procedure call the client makes calls to proxy . The proxy sends a stream to a stub. When the client calls the component function , the proxy alerts the stub by sending the message to the component program. The mechanism of converting parameters to and from data streams is called marshalling.



1. What is keyboard accelerator?
The keyboard accelerator resource consists of a table of key combinations' with associated command ids a keyboard accelerator entry does not have to be associated with a menu item.
2. What are the two text editing tools?

Windows itself supplies two text editing tools edit control and windows rich edit common control both canbe used as controls within dialogs. But both can also be made to look like view windows. The MFC library supports this versatility with the CEDITVIEW and CRICHEDIT VIEW CLASSES
THE CEDITVIEW CLASS: - This c:lass is based oil the, windows edit control so it inherits all the edit limitations.
CRICHEDITVIEW CLASS: - This class uses the rich edit control so it supports mixed formats and large quantities of text.

3. What are the steps to be followed to build floating pop­ up menus? ',' .
1. Use the menu editor to insert anew, empty menu in your project's resource file .
2. Type some characters in the left top-level item, and then add your menu items in the resulting pop-up menu.

4. What is message line?

A message, line pane displays a string that the program supplies dynamically.

- Toolbar and status bar enablement and position

5. What are the functions that treat registry data as either CString objects or unsigned integers.?
- Get profileInt
- Write Profile Int
- Get Profile String
- Write Profile String
6. What are the two CFramewndmember functions?
The MFC' iibrary provides two CFrameWnd memher functions, save bar state and load bar state, her saving and' loading control bar status to and from the registry the functions process the size and position of the status bar and docked toolbars. they don't process the position of floating toolbars.
7. What is serialization?

The objects can be saved on disk when a program outs and then can be restored when the program
is restarted this process of saving and restarting' objects is called serialization.

8. What are the processing steps should be taken place for ach object in thecollection?
1: The object's class is identified
2. Heap storage is allocated for the object
3. The Object's data is loaded into the newly,allocated storage.
4. A pointer to the new object is stored in the collection '

9. What are the steps to be taken for connecting me open to serialization code? .
The steps are
1. Prompt the user to select a file
2. Calls the virtual function c document: : on open document for the already existing document object. This function opens the 'file, calls. CDocument : : delete contents; arid constructs a C archive object set for loading. It then calls the document's serialize function, which loads data from the archive.
3. Calls the view's on initial update function.
10. Explain loading and storing documents in MDI?
In MDI applications, documents are loaded and stored the same way as in SDI application~ but With two important differences: a new document object is constructed each time a document file is loaded from disk, and the document object is destroyed when tlie child window is closed.
11. Explain splitter window?
A split or window appears as a special type of frame window that holds several views in panes the application can split the window on creation, on the user can split the window by choosing a menu command or by dragging a splitter box 01\ the window's scroll bar. After the window has been, split the user can moue the splitters to adjust the relative. sizes of the panes it can be used in both SDI and MDI applications.

12. What is dynamic and static splitter window?
. .
Dynamic splitter window: - It allows the user to Split the window at any time by choosing a menu item or by dragging' a splitter. box located on the scroll bar the panes in it generally use the same view class.
Static splitter window: - The panes of a static splitter window are defined when the window is first created and they cannot be changed.

13. What are the resources of splitting the window? .
When appwizard generates an application with a splitter frame, it includes a split option in the project's view menu. The ID- Window-Split command Id is mapped in the C view
. class within the MFC library,

14. How a COM client calls an out-of-process?
Com links the EXE components in different process there its remoting arch, which usually involves remote procedure call (RPCS). In an RPC the client makes a calls to a special,
DLL called a proxy .The proxy sends a stream of data to a stub which is inside a DLL in the components process when the client calls a component fn., the proxy allies the stud by sending a message to the component program, which is processed by a fid den window

15. What are dynamic link libraries?

'Windows allQws dynamic linking, which means that specially constructed libraries can beloaded and linked at runtime. The MFC developers succeeded in combining all . the application framework classes into a few ready-built DLLs. This means that you can statically or dynamically link the application framework classes into your application. In, addition, you can create your own extension DLLs that build on the MFC DLLs.

16. What is an application framework?
Application framework is an integrated collection of object-oriented software components that' offers all that's needed for a generic application
17. Mention some of the program elements?

Some of the program elements used are
- The WinMain function
- The CMyApp class.
- Application start up.
- The CMyApp::InitInstance member function.



1.Define AppWizard

Appwizard is a code generator used to create a working skeleton for the windows with the features source code and features specified through dialog boxes.

2.What are the types of mapping modes?


3.What is the use of setMap Mode command?

It is used to return the previous mapping mode and sets the mapping mode specified in the parameter.

4.What is resole font?

The system font is the font that windows uses by default for text string like strings in titke bars, menus and dialog boxes. The system font is a razor font which means that the characters are defined as blocks of pixels.

5.What is the use of get system metrics function?

This function retrieves information about the size of various graphical item in windows such as icons, occurs, title bars and scroll bars. This function is an important function for achieving device independent graphical outline in the program.

6.What is system modal dialog?

The 16-bit versions of windows support a special kind of modal dialog called a system modal dialog, which prevents the user from switching to another application

7. Mention some of the GDI derived classes?
- Cbitmap
- Cbrush
- Cfont
- Cpalette
- Cpen
- Crgn

8.What are dialog controls?

A dialog control contains a number of elements called controls. These includes Edit controls, buttons ,list boxes ,static text, Etc.
9.Explain the display context classes CclientDC and CwindowDC?

Windows client area excludes the border, the caption bar,and the menu bar.If we construct an object of class Cclient DC,the point (0,0) is at the upper-left corner of the client area.

10.What is the state of the device context?

The current state of the device context includes the following:
Attached GDI drawing objects such as pens,brushes and fonts.
The mapping mode that determines the scale of items when they are drawn.

11.What are GDI objects?

A window GDI object type is represented by an MFC library class.CGD iobject is the abstract base class for the GDI object classes.

12.What is Project?

Project is a collection of interrelated source files that are compiled and linked to make up an executable windows based program or a DLL.

13.What is Make File?

A make file stores compiler and linker options and express all the interrelationships among source files.

14.What is a make program?

A make program reads the make files and then invokes a compiler , assembler, resource compiler and linker to produce the final output, which is generally an executable file.

15.What is Class Wizard?

Class Wizard is a program that’s accessible from visual C++’s view menu.
Class wizard writes the prototypes,the function bodies and the code to link the windows message to the function.

16.What is an application framework?

Application framework is an integraterd collection of object oriented software copmponents that offers all that’s needed for a generic application.

17.Mention the two building options ?

- Win32 Debug
- Win32 Release

18.Mention the two types of fonts.

Two types of fonts are
- Device-independent fonts
- Device-dependent fonts.

19.List the types of video cards used to display the colors

- 256 color video card
- 16 bit color video card
- 24 bit color video card

20.Give the unique features of 24-bit color video cards:

High –end cards support 24-bit color .this 24-bit capability enables the display of more than 16.7 million pure colors.The RGB macro allows you to specify the exact colors you want.



1.Define AppWizard

Appwizard is a code generator used to create a working skeleton for the windows with the features source code and features specified through dialog boxes.

2.What are the types of mapping modes?


3.What is the use of setMap Mode command?

It is used to return the previous mapping mode and sets the mapping mode specified in the parameter.

4.What is resole font?

The system font is the font that windows uses by default for text string like strings in titke bars, menus and dialog boxes. The system font is a razor font which means that the characters are defined as blocks of pixels.

5.What is the use of get system metrics function?

This function retrieves information about the size of various graphical item in windows such as icons, occurs, title bars and scroll bars. This function is an important function for achieving device independent graphical outline in the program.

6.What is system modal dialog?

The 16-bit versions of windows support a special kind of modal dialog called a system modal dialog, which prevents the user from switching to another application

7. Mention some of the GDI derived classes?
- Cbitmap
- Cbrush
- Cfont
- Cpalette
- Cpen
- Crgn

8.What are dialog controls?

A dialog control contains a number of elements called controls. These includes Edit controls, buttons ,list boxes ,static text, Etc.
9.Explain the display context classes CclientDC and CwindowDC?

Windows client area excludes the border, the caption bar,and the menu bar.If we construct an object of class Cclient DC,the point (0,0) is at the upper-left corner of the client area.

10.What is the state of the device context?

The current state of the device context includes the following:
Attached GDI drawing objects such as pens,brushes and fonts.
The mapping mode that determines the scale of items when they are drawn.

11.What are GDI objects?

A window GDI object type is represented by an MFC library class.CGD iobject is the abstract base class for the GDI object classes.

12.What is Project?

Project is a collection of interrelated source files that are compiled and linked to make up an executable windows based program or a DLL.

13.What is Make File?

A make file stores compiler and linker options and express all the interrelationships among source files.

14.What is a make program?

A make program reads the make files and then invokes a compiler , assembler, resource compiler and linker to produce the final output, which is generally an executable file.

15.What is Class Wizard?

Class Wizard is a program that’s accessible from visual C++’s view menu.
Class wizard writes the prototypes,the function bodies and the code to link the windows message to the function.

16.What is an application framework?

Application framework is an integraterd collection of object oriented software copmponents that offers all that’s needed for a generic application.

17.Mention the two building options ?

- Win32 Debug
- Win32 Release

18.Mention the two types of fonts.

Two types of fonts are
- Device-independent fonts
- Device-dependent fonts.

19.List the types of video cards used to display the colors

- 256 color video card
- 16 bit color video card
- 24 bit color video card

20.Give the unique features of 24-bit color video cards:

High –end cards support 24-bit color .this 24-bit capability enables the display of more than 16.7 million pure colors.The RGB macro allows you to specify the exact colors you want.


1.What is Windows Programming?
Windows Programming uses GUI conc~pt. It is an event­driven programming. An Application Window will respond to the events. by generating a message by, the Operating. System. It uses. graphics for organizing user workspace. Programs that run within Windows also use GUI. (e.g.):. Word, Excel . These application programs use some built-in functions present in API.

2.Differentiate between DOS based programming .&Wind,ow based programming. .

DOS based Programming
1. Hardware Dependent
2. Activated when the OS is called

3. Never calls the pro&ram running under it .
Window Based Programming
1. Hardware'lndependent
2. Activated when it receives the message
3. Can call a program running, under it

3.List the main header files in windows programming?

4. What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is a set of commands that interfaces program with processor. It is a set of routines, protocols and tools for developing a software application. API programs are written in C Language. .
5. Write the ways of implementing API?
API. can be implemented by using libraries(win32.dll)
- kernel
- User
- GDI .

6.What are the uses of kernel, user and GDI Libraries?
- The kernel is responsible for management operation, context switching, and process
- The user is used for manipulating the user interface.
- Graphical Device Interface (GDI) for graphical output and store of images.

7.Name any platform independent API?
Platform independent API is portable to any OS.
There are two platforms independent APIs
i) WIN16
ii) WIN32

8. What is Hungarian Notation?
The naming convention for windows programming is called as Hungarian Notation . In this notation the variable names are preceded with key letters. The key letters describe the type of data the variable represents.
h handle

sz character string terminated by zero

9. What are the steps required to create a window?
The steps required to create a window are,
a) Registering Window Class
b) Create a Window
c) MessageLoop
d) Window Procedure

10.How to register a window class?
Before creating an application window. the window class must be registered. Window class is registered by calling register class. This f'unction requires a single parameter, which is a pointer to structure of, type WNDCLASS

11.What is a window class?
A Window is always created using a window Class. The window, class identifies the window procedure that processes messages to the window. The Window class defines the window procedure and some other characterizing of window that created based on the class

12.Define Message Loop?
When a windows program begins execution, a window creates a "message queue" for the program; this message queue stores messages to all the windows a program might create. A windows application includes is short check of code called the message loop to retrieve those messages from the queue and dispatch them to the appropriate window procedure. A simple message to enters of one function call to each of three functions,GetMessage , TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage .

13.What is the use of TranslateMessage?
A Message Loop include Translate message, if the message loop receive character input from the keyboard, the system generates virtual key messages CW_ KEYDOWN and WM_ KEYUP each time the user process a key.

14.What is the use of Dispatch Message?
The Dispatch Message function sends a: message to the window procedure associated with the window handle specified in the MSG structure.

15.What are the actions of windows procedure?
The windows procedure is the function named Wndproc. The Window procedure deteimines what the window displays in its client area the window responds to user input.

A window procedure is defined as,
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd , UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM IParam)

16.What is the value r.eturned from GetMessage?
Getmessage returns a non-zero value for anything other than WM_QUIT message. A WM_QUIT message causes Getmessage toreturn zero.
17. What IS WM_PAINT message?
This message informs when a part or all.of the windows client area is "invalid" and must be "updated" which means that it must be redrawn or "painted".

18. How does a client area become invalid?
The client area is invalid when

- The window is created first
- The window is resized
- The window is minimized
- The window is moved around the screen so that they overlap .
19. How does WMPAINT message is processed?
WMPAINT processing almost always begins with a call to Begin paint.
hdcBeginPaint (hwnd,&ps);
and ends with a call to EndPaint
EndPaint (hwnd,&Ps);
BeginPaint erases the backround, EndPaint releases the device context handle.
20.What is WM_DESTROY message?

WM_DESTROY message indicates that a window the process of destroying a window based on a command from the,user; The message is a result of the user clicking on the close button or selecting close from the program's System message.

21.How the program is terminated?
When the PostQuit message function is invoked it inserts a WM_QUIT message in the Program's message queue. GetMessage returns zero for WM_QUIT message. This causes WinMain to drop put of the Message Loop. The program then returns msgWParam, The program tenninated.

22. What is GDI?
The Graphics Device Interface (GDI) provides functions .and related structures that an application can use to generate graphical output for displays, printers and other devices.

23. Define Scroll bar and what are are the messages generated?
A Scroll bar is a rectangle that contains a scroll bar and has direction arrows at both ends. The user can click the arrows, click on .the gray area between the arrows, or drag the Scrollbox to scroll the scroll bar's parent window. The messages are WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL

24.What is a keyboard accelerator? \Y!1at are the messages generated?
A Keystroke or combination of keystrokes that sends a command message to the specified application window is called a keyboard accelerator.

The messages generated are;


25.What is a menu? What are its types?
A Menu is a GUI, which contains a list of menu items. The types of menu are,

1. System Menus
2. Popup Menu
3. Dropdown Menu 
 26.What are the functions of messagebox function?
Message Box function is used to deliver text output to user. This function creates a window, but, it is a special purpose window of limited flexibility. The message box window has a title bar with a close button an optional icon, one or more lines of text.

27.What are queued and non queued messages?
The.queued messages are those that are placed in a programs message queue by windows. The queued messages are posted to a message queue. The non queued messages are the results of calls by windows directly to the window procedure.

28.When does the window procedure receives a WM_PAINT message?
a) When a previous hidden area of the. window is brought into view when ,a user
moves a window, or uncovers a window ­
b) The user resizes the window (if the window class style has set bits) .
c) The program user the scroll window or scroll dc function to scroll part of its
client area. .
d) The program uses the invalidaterect or invalidates RG function.

29.What are the various groups into which GDI function calls are grouped?

a) Function that get and release a device context
b) Function that obtain information about device context
c) Functions that draw something
d) Functions that set and get attributes of the device context
e) Functions that work with GDI objects

30.What are the seven functions supported by windows 98 to draw lines?

- Lineto - draws a straight line
- Poly line and poly line co - draw a series of connected straight lines
- Polyline - Draws multiple poly line
- Arc - Draws eliptical1ine
- Poly Bezier and polybezierlo - draw Bezier splines
- Arc to and angle arc - draw elliptical line
- Poly draw - draws a series of connected Hnes and. Bezier splines